Thursday, September 13, 2012

Salutations All Around!

  Greetings. Welcome to this educational blog where we will be replacing the chalkboard. And yes I said we. That doesn't mean that I am some crazy Tyler Durden persona with multiple identities in one body. We means that I want you to get involved. My name is Matt and I will be your host.

  Now, I am a college student and I made this blog for my classes so the content here will be very analytical and critical. But I will not forget that this stuff is fun as well.

  This blog will regard my "learnings" as learning cart so eloquently stated. And the focus will be literature because I am an English Major. My definition of literature, however, is rather broad. To me literature includes the following:

  • Books
  • Movies
  • Television Shows
  • Song Lyrics
  • Comics
  • Graphic Novels (Yes there is a difference)
  • Video Games
  • And I'll likely add more to the list as I go.
  Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to some discourse.

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